Domiciliary Care

Domiciliary care is the range of services put in place to support an individual in their own home, and is available to those that require additional support with day to day household tasks, personal care or any other activity that allows them to maintain their quality of life and independent living.

We provide ongoing support that’s completely built around your needs and routines. It’s one of the many reasons why we’re the nation’s favorite for home care.

What you will receive (Sub Headline) :

1.Assistance with getting out of bed in the morning
2.Help to wash, shampoo hair, shower or bathe and dress
3.Prepare breakfast and light meals
4.Shopping, paying Bills and Banking
5.Escort to Hair Dresser or Barber when necessary
6.Preparation of food and drink
7.Ensuring a timely prompt for medication when due
8.Domestic tasks such as cleaning, laundry and ironing
9.Provision of a Respite Service or Sitting Service or Care Relief for the Principal Carer who may need support
10.Maintaining Continence/Managing Incontinence/Catheter Care
11.Pampering sessions – Nails clean and cut, food massage if required
12.Prepare meal before bedtime
13.At the end of each day, help Client to get ready for bed